Slowly but surely, the team continues to work diligently on the chassis of the S21 car. In addition to the chassis of the S21 car the team has also worked on the S20 car. Earlier this month the steering of the car was completed and the seat of the car was being fitted.
Recently the team took poster board and covered the chassis to form the body. After being totally covered they traced the poster board onto 0.023 inch think aluminum. Once the pieces were traced, they used an air sheer to make a fine cut. Occasionally the team will perform test on the batteries.
Since we are approaching our first race, the team is getting ready for the season to begin. Letters were also sent out to notify parents and Power Drive students of the Cuming County Open coming up on Saturday, April 6th. The letter discussed times for working the concession stands and outlined a schedule of all the team’s upcoming meets.
In the month of February, John Ross contacted the school and provided information about a grant, which Mr. Rob Smith and Dr. Jon Cerny put together and submitted. B-R was selected as a recipient, and Wednesday, March 28th representing Fontanelle seed company, Chris Hanson, and Allen Steinmeyer came to Bancroft-Rosalie High School and presented a check to the Power Drive team.