Monday, February 28, 2011

February Monthly Report

         The Power Drive team ran the concession stand for four basketball games to raise money for our cars. The concession stands turned out to be a big success! We earned quite a bit of money for the Power Drive season. Thank you to all the fans that supported the concession stands. We greatly appreciated it. We supplied the stand with delicious pork sandwiches, super nachos, pretzels and hotdogs. The team has also been getting donations from out sponsors, which will be put to good use for components on the car. We would like to extend a huge thank you out to all of them as well.

          Our team has been working on the rear axle of the S-20 car. The motor, motor mount, battery box, and the rear wheel should all be in place and welded within the next week. The bodywork has just begun on the E-31 car. The nose and front of the car are fitted but not permanently attached yet. The plan is to be done with all the body work by next week and start prepping for paint. The E-31's electrical system work is completed. The team has been researching some charges to the steering geometry. After talking with North Platte's instructor, the team feels that we may be able to change the steering and still get the car to handle. The A-21 is getting a makeover, including changes to the steering geometry, motor placement, and lexan on the canopy.