Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January Monthly Report

A new year has just begun, and the Power Drive team is well on its way to creating a new car. Four different groups created conduit models for the team to evaluate for weaknesses and strengths. Finally, the team chose which model would best fit the new car. Modifications and improvements were made to the prototype. Later, a new roll bar was constructed and a new bottom cross brace was put in place. This time the bottom cross brace was built with more of a curve, allowing the driver to sit lower in the car and making the car more aerodynamic. The students also practiced using the T.I.G. welder on chrome moly, the same type of metal used for the chassis of the car. The team cover the chassis of the car with paper to check the final fit of the body to the chassis.
Preparations are being made to the new jig for building the chassis on it. This helps in keeping everything in alignment and square while building the car. Because there are so many angles and curves, finding a square angle on the chassis is challenging making the jig a necessity. In addition, the team is looking at new and more sophisticated improved brake configurations. Finally, modifications to the nose of the car were completed.
The documentation team finalized their decision on the theme for the documentation video, but they are still narrowing down their themes for the two books.
This month has been full of fundraising opportunities. The team has held four concession stands at home basketball games, and they have been very successful and profitable. Furthermore, they have held half-time shooting contest with the opportunity of winning a 2 liter pop.

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